Listening Comprehension
listen and check
You'd like to train your listening comprehension?
With the high-quality, free learning resources listed here, you can do just that!
There are a variety of listening resources
With the high-quality, free learning resources listed here, you can do just that!
There are a variety of listening resources
waiting for you! Choose listening activities and complete interactive exercises afterwards to test your listening comprehension.
A sensible and targeted way to improve your listening skills! Start now and train your ear for the Italian language!
A sensible and targeted way to improve your listening skills! Start now and train your ear for the Italian language!
Gramatica Italiana - Audio Listening with Questions
Get high-quality audio recordings and practice what you learn with comprehension questions. Scroll down the page to select the listening exercises.iLuss Italian Online - Audio and Video
Here you can find lots of different content for every level of Italian. Pages are categorised by topic of conversation. You can listen to the audio and video content and then complete exercises to improve your listening skills.Centro Studi Italiani - Listening and Writing Exercises
This learning website allows you to practise listening comprehension in a particular way: practise spelling words based on their pronunciation.FSI Italian Fast Course - Comprehensive Language Course
With 30 lessons and lots of audio material, the US Foreign Service Institute (FSI) offers you a high-quality language course that primarily trains listening comprehension. It's worthwhile using both the audio files and pdfs available on the site to help you learn even more.