Reading Comprehension
check your understanding
Reading can help improve your language competencies quite substantially! Especially when you do follow-up activities and stimulate your long-term memory!
We've found helpful, free
We've found helpful, free
learning resources to help you improve your reading comprehension with an assortment of interactive exercises.
Get going and make improvements to your Italian reading comprehension!
Gramatica Italiana - Test your Reading Skills
This learning website has Italian texts with follow-up questions to test your understanding. Scroll down on the page to find links to the reading tests. You can select the difficulty in the menu at the top labelled "Comprensione d’ascolto".YouTube: Learn Italian with - Listening and Reading Comprehension
These videos train you listening and reading comprehension in three steps: you are shown an image with a question. Then comes a short dialogue with follow-up questions.Ercole Guidi - Translated Italian Literature
This website has a nice selection of famous Italian and English books that have been translated into the other language. The two versions are displayed side-by-side so you can compare the original with the translation.